Take on a challenge
Sign up to an event or do your own thing. Scroll down for inspiration.
Set up a fundraising page
Create your own personalised page with JustGiving or Virgin Money Giving for your friends and family to donate safely and securely.
Get started
Spread the word, raise awareness, and start fundraising. Keep us and your supporters up to date with your progress and fundraising goals
It’s easy to set up your own online fundraising page with JustGiving or Virgin Money Giving
Create your own personalised page for your friends and family to donate safely and securely.
Going through a third party site protects you and your supporters and helps keep track of your fundraising goal.
To find out more about taking part in our community fundraising events or doing your own event, contact:
Rosie Cowperthwaite
Manager, Community Events & Individual Giving (Volunteer)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01522 405 243